
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lab Schedule for session June 2011

Assalamulaikum and greatings to all my students,

Firstly, I apologize because  unable to make your class this week because I have a meeting at Port Dickson for whole this week. I have provide your lab schedule for this semester include group division.. For your lab experiment this week, it will replace on Friday evening next week at 3 p.m. If you have any problem with this lab schedule, you are invited come to me. For your information, your module and labsheet are ready to given to you. This will make you easy to follow my class. Please ready for your first quiz on chapter one.

Schedule Lab

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why you need to lesson GP313?

Before we go further into this course, firstly you must know why you need to lesson it. so I provide the detail of this course including suitable references like below;


PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL provides knowledge about measurement equipment used in the industry, understanding basic principle and the job lists of instruments. Exposure will include the basic theory, construction, operation and the usage of pneumatic equipment, control valve, transmitter, converter and controller. Students will understand the basic principle for control system and its usage according to general situation.


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
  1. Explain the fundamental of process control system and working principle of plant equipments used in the process plant.
  2. Handle the measurement and basic process control system in process plant.
  3. Discuss the suitable safety interlock system, process controller and plant equipments using on the process plant.


  • Bela G Liptak (2003). Instrument Engineers' Handbook. CRC Press Curtis D. Johnson (2006). Process Control Instrumentation Technology (8thed). Pearson education, Inc

  • Dale E. Seborg, Thomas F. Edgar, Duncan A. Mellichamp. (2004). Process Dynamic and Control (2nded). John Wiley & Sons, Inc,

  • Douglas O. J. DeSá (2004). Applied technology and instrumentation for process control. Taylor & Francis
  • William Bolton (2004). Instrumentation and control systems. Newnes.
  • Johnson, C. D (2003). Process Control Instrumentation Technology, 7th ed., Prentice Hall.

  • Battikha, N. E.,(2004) The Condensed Handbook of Measurement and Control, 2nd ed., ISA,

  • Liptak, B. E., (2003) “Level Measurement,” Instrument Engineer’s Handbook Process Measurement and Analysis, 3rd ed., Vol. 2, Chilton Book Co.,
  • Patrick, Dale R. and Patrick, Steven R., (1993)  Pneumatic Instrumentation, Delmar Publishers, Inc., Albany, NY,
  • Kallen, Howard P., Handbook of Instrumentation and Controls, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, NY,
  • Fribance, Austin E., Industrial Instrumentation Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY,

Friday, July 15, 2011


I want say hello to all my student had been register to my class; Process Instrumentation and Control. Today should be our first class lesson for safety of during your lab but i have important thing need to do. So i want to apologize for this occur. Actually I very excited to see you in this class. The next class on Tuesday, I also can't able to conducted your class so I will give you  the note in chapter one  for my class. I want you read this note and ready to your first quiz in my next class on Thursday. If you have any questions, you just send your comment through this blog.

Introduction Chap1